Looking for a beautiful bouquet that will make a lasting impression? Look no further than the Dainty Delights Posy from our Florist. Featuring a mix of stunning chrysanthemums, carnations, delicate snapdragons, luscious LA Lilies, and fragrant viburnum, this posy is a true feast for the senses. Our expert florists carefully select each flower to ensure that you receive only the freshest, most beautiful blooms. Whether you're sending a gift or simply looking to add some beauty to your own home, the Dainty Delights Posy is the perfect choice.
Consists of:
1 x Stems Carnation (Sim)
1 x Stems Chrysanthemums
1 x Stems LA Lilies
1 x Stems Snapdragons
1 x Stems Viburnum
Customers who recently bought Dainty Delights Posy said:
You found the room number for my delivery on your on accord (I'd only put the ward) - big appreciation ✌️
Serena, 22 August 2023
Love the tracking feature to see where the flower delivery is at.
Would LOVE if the florist could have taken a photo and shared on the delivery detail or via email separately.
Michelle, 01 November 2023
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