Discover the perfect way to show your appreciation with our Florist Choice Mini Box. We understand that sometimes it's difficult to choose, and that's why we've entrusted our expert florists to curate a beautiful selection of blooms, tailored just for you. Each box is filled with a thoughtful assortment of flowers, picked with care and subject to seasonal availability. Little gestures can mean a lot, so let us help you make an impression with the gift of fresh flowers.

Consists of:
1 x Stems Mystery Surprise flowers

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 15cm
Height: 20cm

Ordering for Valentine's Day? This item is not available on 14 February. Please view our Valentine's Day page for similar items.

Or 4 installments of $9.98 by Afterpay
For when you don't mind which colour and you're happy to leave it to the experts. Your florist will choose their favourite colours of the day.
Sorry we have completely sold out for Thursday 13th. You can still place orders online for all other future delivery dates. Thank you!

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Customers who recently bought Florist Choice Mini Box said:

The flowers were beautiful she loved them and everyone that came into the ward thought they were beautiful

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Patricia, 06 June 2024

Very satisfied and easy to order and get delivered

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Ersilia, 22 June 2024

I was delighted with the speed of delivery, thank you.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
sue, 08 February 2024

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