Bursting with dainty, delicate blossoms, our Garden Gathering bouquet brings the beauty of the outdoors right inside your special recipient's home! This sweet all-occasions gift features the prettiest disbuds, romantic lisianthus, petite Easter daisies, fluffy stock flowers and native gum foliage in a lovely green and white theme.
Consists of:
3 x Stems Stock
2 x Stems Lisianthus
1 x Stems Gum
1 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbuds
1 x Stems Flowering Filler
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 35cm
Height: 50cm
Customers who recently bought Garden Gathering said:
Excellent communication & service.... flowers were fresh looked fantastic
Graham, 12 August 2020
I had a look on other sites but chose yours because you had a wide selection of flowers/bouquets and most of all, the prices you offered was within my budget and midrange. Email replies and updated emails was excellent and a final email to confirm it was delivered was wonderful. Ordering and selection on your site was easy and the transaction was trouble free. Delivery costs were expected but the service overall with Flowers Across Sydney was a wonderful experience. Would without hesitation, recommend to anyone looking for delivery of flowers at a reasonable price!
Chris, 26 April 2022
The flowers Breidi received looked so similar to the example on the website. She loved them. Great to get that follow up email as well to say flowers had been delivered.
Lisa, 19 May 2022
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