Our Red Rose Vase is the ultimate expression of love and affection. Featuring the highest quality red roses arranged in a modern glass square vase, this stunning gift is perfect for any romantic occasion or special celebration. With quick delivery available, our professional florists create the perfect arrangement for your special someone. Say "I love you" or "Happy Birthday" with this premium arrangement, and make their day unforgettable.

Consists of:
12 x Stems Roses
2 x Stems Box Foliage

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 15cm
Height: 18cm

Or 4 installments of $25.98 by Afterpay


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Customers who recently bought Red Rose Vase said:

customer service were very kind both on phone and through Email and
my daughter said the flowers were very pretty

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Maria, 12 February 2018

Thank you so much for your great service in helping me get flowers to Champa. I was apprehensive in making an on-line order, since Sydney is so far away from where i am at. Champa said she loved the flowers, so I know you did a nice job. Thank you. I will use you again, for Champa will be in Australia for awhile. Thanks again.
Phil, (USA)

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Philip, 25 September 2018

Fantastic flowers, absolutely perfect.
Just a question. How do you deal with deliveries if the person is not home. I just planning for the future

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Brett, 25 September 2019

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