It's a very special day, so treat your beloved recipient to an absolutely gorgeous gift like our Shining In The Sun bouquet! This beautiful collection of blooms features bold Oriental lilies, slender gladioli, delicate baby's breath and seriously sweet disbuds, while goldenrod blossoms and pretty roses add a pop of sunny colour. Camellia, magnolia and leather fern foliage give it a fresh, verdant finish.

Consists of:
5 x Stems Camelia
5 x Stems Flowering Filler
5 x Stems Magnolia Foliage
5 x Stems Viburnum
3 x Stems Oriental Lilies
2 x Stems Gypsophila
2 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbuds
2 x Stems Gladioli
1 x Stems Leather Fern

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 50cm
Height: 70cm

Or 4 installments of $38.23 by Afterpay
Sorry we have completely sold out for Saturday 11th. You can still place orders online for all other future delivery dates. Thank you!


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