Talk about one good looking bunch of flowers; this bouquet is runway ready and absolutely flawless. With peach roses, lilac orchids, pastel tulips and snapdragons, it rivals Kendall Jenner for the cover of Vogue. Throw in the vibrant green buds, silver suede fronds, and jam-coloured natives, and you’ve got a real-life supermodel.

Consists of:
6 x Stems David Austin/Ohara Roses
5 x Stems Snapdragons
5 x Stems Tulips
4 x Stems Thryptomene/Wax
3 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbuds
3 x Stems Oriental Lilies
3 x Stems Viburnum
1 x Stems Pampa's
1 x Stems Gum
1 x Stems Phalaenopsis 50 CM

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 45cm
Height: 80cm

Or 4 installments of $74.13 by Afterpay


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