Create wonderful memories for your loved ones with our Just For You Bouquet. This beautiful bouquet features elegant white spray roses, intricately entwined with photinia leaves. It’s perfect for any occasion, including birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous, or as a get-well gift. Our florist business ensures that every arrangement is carefully crafted with love and designed to complement your heartfelt message.
Consists of:
2 x Stems Roses (spray)
1 x Stems Magnolia Foliage
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 30cm
Height: 45cm
Customers who recently bought Just For You Bouquet said:
Very friendly and enthusiastic customer service, would buy again !
Gevin, 11 May 2023
Best experience I usually order flowers else where but have you guys a go and I was very happy with the result quick and nicely presented and even was happy with the email telling me it arrive definatly be using you guys again thank you
rosemary, 24 May 2023
Definitely recommend Flowers Across Sydney.
Marina, 02 June 2023
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