Oh-so-elegant, our absolutely enchanting Little Rose boxed arrangement will charm your special recipient with a total of 9 absolutely stunning roses! They feature a variety of colours and are hand selected for their freshness and exceptional beauty.

Consists of:
9 x Stems Roses
1 x Stems Moss

Or 4 installments of $20.23 by Afterpay
A selection of vibrant bright colours chosen by your florist. Think reds, yellows, oranges and all things bright and cheerful!


Sorry, this item is not currently available to order

Customers who recently bought Little Rose Flower Box said:

The team at flowers across Sydney were amazing. It was easy for me to order flowers from them, as I’m in Adelaide. The flowers were beautiful. They delivered them on time to my sister which was really nice. I highly recommend them.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Akuach, 18 November 2021

A gorgeous box of roses for her desk, she loved them. Thank you!

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Elizabeth, 01 December 2021

It was a very easy process and the flowers were beautiful. Sending the pictures of the delivery was a really good touch - Thank you.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Claire, 10 December 2021

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