The Patterson Bouquet is a true standout, exclusive to our brand and showcasing the natural beauty of native flowers. The ice proteas take center stage, perfectly paired with the bold leucadendron and bright celosia. Whether you're marking a special occasion or simply sending a thoughtful gift, this arrangement is sure to impress. Count on the talented team at Flowers Across Sydney, a professional Florists business, to craft a floral masterpiece that will be appreciated by all.
Consists of:
3 x Stems Gum
3 x Stems Celosia
3 x Stems Leucadendron
3 x Stems Protea Pink Ice
2 x Stems Wax
Customers who recently bought Patterson Bouquet said:
Gift sent to my daughter-in-law to celebrate her becoming a professor. The bouquet was absolutely beautiful and she was delighted.
Ann, 04 December 2023
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