Flowers Across Sydney Presents its Phoenix Bouquet
Welcome the Phoenix Bouquet, a masterpiece of our Florist experts that exudes the vibrant spirit of Phoenix within its design. This bouquet is a brilliant combination of alstroemeria, carnations, gerberas, viburnum, and native gum that lends the bouquet an unmatched brightness. It is perfect for celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or simply as a get-well-soon or thinking-of-you gift. What’s more, we can ensure same-day delivery for hospital deliveries if the order is placed by 2 p.m. With this Phoenix Bouquet by your side, you can bring a smile on your loved ones’ faces no matter where or how they are.

Consists of:
3 x Stems Carnation (Sim)
2 x Stems Gum
2 x Stems Alstroemeria
2 x Stems Gerberas
1 x Stems Viburnum

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