Our Six Premium Pink & Red Rose Bouquet is the epitome of elegance and beauty. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, saying thank you, or sending a get-well gift, this rose bouquet makes a gorgeous gift for any occasion.

Each bouquet features three premium pink roses, three red roses and emu grass, arranged with precision by our expert florists. With its stunning design and beautiful presentation, this bouquet is sure to impress.

Consists of:
6 x Stems Roses
3 x Stems Emu Grass/Ruscus

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 25cm
Height: 50cm

Ordering for Valentine's Day? This item is not available on 14 February. Please view our Valentine's Day page for similar items.

Or 4 installments of $13.98 by Afterpay

Colour: As Displayed

Sorry we have completely sold out for Thursday 13th. You can still place orders online for all other future delivery dates. Thank you!


Sorry, this item is not currently available to order

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