Surprise your special someone with our Hot Pink Rambling Roses Bouquet, the ultimate romantic gift. This stunning bouquet features hot pink premium roses, gypsophila, and native gum, making it perfect for any romantic occasion. Whether you're celebrating an anniversary or simply want to show your love, this bouquet is sure to melt their heart. And with our easy delivery service, you can send your gift straight to their door.
Consists of:
3 x Stems Roses
1 x Stems Gum
1 x Stems Gypsophila
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 20cm
Height: 40cm
Customers who recently bought Rambling Hot Pink Roses said:
I was very happy with your service.I was informed of every step of delivery plus an email when the flowers were delivered. The receipent of the flowers was very happy with the bouquet.Would recommend you.
susan, 21 July 2021
I am very happy with my order, I hope to continue using the services of Flowers Across Sydney, it was exactly what I wanted, thanks!
Beatriz, 04 July 2024
Great service, amazing flowers and packaged beautifully, not to mention how well delivery instructions were followed and delivered in such a quick timely manner. Supper stoked, thank y'all
Sylvie, 14 June 2023
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